Thursday, April 2, 2015

Meet “Rymir Satterthwaite” Jay-Z’s Alleged Son; Give Your Verdict.

Jay Z's Son
Well May have leaked a news earlier today that Beyonce might be pregnant, Although not officially confirmed by either Jay-Z or Beyonce. but don’t worry there is certainly another news trending on the web that have refused to go away, about Jay-Z’s alleged son Rymir Satterthwaite, honestly initially when we got this news from our sources we dismissed it at first, but the news is now getting so much attention from popular internet media outlets such as, and now we are interested. Today we got a very very compelling pictures to back up Mr Rymir Satterthwaite’s story of been Jay-Z’s son. We want you to look at the photos very very closely and give us your verdict about the boy and his relative resemblance of the Rap genius Jay-Z. and tell us what you think about the boy and his claims, as we keep following the story as it develops.Jay's son

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